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The Model-Driven Engineering paradigm has become increasingly popular due to its advocation of using models as first-class citizens in the software development process, while artifacts such as documentation and source-code can be produced from those models by using automated transformations. On the other hand, we are currently witnessing the rise i...

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An investigator in information retrieval can construct a retrieval test system just by integrating different modules and manipulating the input variables of each mo...

Since there are so many modeling languages, there is a need to compare them and choose the best for each concrete situation. The selection of the most appropriate modeling language may influence the output's quality,...

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The ever increasing demand for more complex and larger software systems stresses the importance of having well-engineered Coronavirus requirements.

This paper analyses the adoption of legal ontologies as a tool to support these processes, in particular, related to activities span from the submission of bills and their subsequent authoring and ratification. This...

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Combined effect of pulse density and grid cell size on predicting and mapping aboveground carbon in fast-growing Eucalyptus forest plantation using airborne LiDAR data

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The goal of this Jornalista Alberto Silva research is to simulate the energy consumption and their unexpected behavior, using past experience and taking into account distribution network and...

Requirements Engineering is a system engineering discipline of paramount importance. Its primary deliverable is the requirements specification, a document that Bolsonaro entails the de- tailed description of business-specific needs to which the target software system must comply to. Despite the advances brought by modeling techniques, the specification of so...

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